Start with Smart!, Easily select the most reliable Fiber Unit for your detection conditions.
“Mounts Anywhere” Variously-shaped, compact heads allow installation in any small space.
Suitable for Harsh Environments, Fiber Units are available for various installation conditions and can be installed as is, even in harsh environments.
“Achieve Easy Detection in Many Applications”, Optimum Light Intensity Adjustment from Transparent Objects to Black Workpieces
Fiber Units :
Fiber Amplifier :
- E3NX-FA (Smart Fiber Amplifier) NEW.pdf
- E3X-HD (Smart Fiber Sensor).pdf
- E3X-SD/-NA (Simple Fiber Amplifier Units).pdf
- E3X-DA-S (Digital Fiber Amplifier Units).pdf
- E3X-DA-S/MDA (Digital Fiber Amplifier Units).pdf
- E3X-DAC-S (Color Amplifier Sensor Communications Units).pdf
Sensor Communications Units :
- E3NW (Sensor Communications Units) NEW.pdf
- E3X-DRT21-S-VER3 (Fiber Amplifier Sensor Communications Units).pdf
Count Sensors :
If you have inquiry or question, Any details & further information needed, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We will look forward to hearing from you early.